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11 Point Checklist to Get Google Adsense Approval Within 24 Hrs

11 Point Checklist to Get Google Adsense Approval Within 24 Hrs

1: Minimum Number of Blog Posts and Site Customization

How many blog posts should I start with? Do I need to have 10 posts ready? 1? None? What’s the right number?”

Ask any experienced blogger, and you’ll get a variety of answers. But they do agree on one thing when it comes to this question:

There’s a big difference between the ideal situation and reality.

Ideally, people will have planned a ton of content that’s ready to publish and more blog post ideas they can write in the future. In reality, most people write a whole bunch at the beginning because they’re excited about the new venture and then taper off.

To help you avoid these two extremes when you start your new blog, we summarized a few strategies you can use for your blog. Use them to create a solid foundation for it and create a great blog people will keep coming back to.

2: Must Buy Custom Domain Name

A custom domain is a unique branded name that identifies a website. For example, NationBuilder’s custom domain is Custom domains, also known as vanity URLs, appear in the address bar at the top of every browser. We use them every day to navigate around the web; you probably have many of your favorites memorized or bookmarked.

But computers don’t understand domain names the way people do. Networked devices like computers and phones use numbers and codes to communicate, rather than letters and words. Luckily, the internet has a system in place to translate between a domain name that we type into our browser, and the IP addresses that computers use to identify themselves on networks. It’s called DNS, or the Domain Name System. DNS is what allows us to have custom, branded domains attached to websites.

3: Menu or Proper Navigations on site

Website navigation is the process of navigating pages, apps, and websites on the internet. The technology behind it is called hypertext or hypermedia.

Hypertext or media is text-based web pages that use hyperlinks to connect them to other pages on the internet. A hyperlink is a link that leads your web browser to a URL.

The URL indicates which file the browser should access from the server and it downloads and renders the data so the user can see it.

Internal links lead to different pages on the same domain. External links lead to different pages on another domain, a completely separate website and server.

Website navigation uses menus with internal links that make it easy for visitors to find the page that they are looking for. Good navigation is an essential element of a user-friendly site

website navigation menu is a set of links, typically to internal pages, that is organized into a menu. Most websites, including our own, feature a menu at the very top of their website

4 : Site Must have Mandatory Pages

Although each page is important, there are some pages that remain essential to your site's success. When deciding how to optimise these pages, it's important to consider two things: what does the target audience want from these pages, and what action do you want your target audience to take once they are on the page?

Although the importance of pages on a website will vary from business to business, we've identified five pages that every business website should optimise.

1. Homepage

A website's homepage is often the first impression a potential client gets of a business. Users will stay on this page for only a few seconds before deciding whether to investigate further or navigate to a more interesting or competing site. Users will usually land on your homepage via a search engine they are therefore looking for information. They want to be able to clearly navigate the page in order to obtain the data they seek.

As owner of the site, you want to ensure they are enticed to your business. Headings should be big and easy to read, and icons should be stimulating using a call to action (CTA) such as "Visit our services page", "Sign up to our newsletter" or "Get your free quote". Your goal here is to capture the visitor's attention and prevent them from leaving.

2. About page

This is where you show what you're made of the bones of your company. Let your brand shine through. What is it exactly that you do? What can you offer your clients that no one else can? These are the questions visitors to this page want answers to.

This isn't just about more information it's also about engaging with users on a deeper level. What about your ethos? Your humour? The Huffington Post lists "storytelling" as one of the seven web design trends you'll see in 2015. What you want from this page is to relate to your visitors and make them like you. Content such as a short, heartfelt video from your founder or a witty animated video on your service(s) can go a long way.

3. Contact us page

The contact us page contains some of the most pertinent information on the site. Visitors want to know how they can reach you. And they won't want to search for it. Put all the necessary details above the fold. You want them to contact you as soon as possible, while they're still buzzing from your brilliance, so make it as simple as possible.

Use a CTA such as "Email us now", "Live chat with us now" and "Call us now". This lets users know they have your undivided attention and that you're only a click away, waiting to prove yourself to them.

4. Blog page

Blogging is how your business can distinguish itself as a thought leader in your field. Your blog is where you can display your knowledge and, in doing so, gain the trust and admiration of your visitors. Users want a blog that is well organised so that they can easily find what they're looking for so headings and groupings are essential.

What you want from your users is engagement and exposure, so make sure to include social media links, email and share buttons wherever possible. To own a viral blog post would be incredible recognition for your company, so ensure the content is compelling.

5. Search results page

This is one of the most frequently visited pages on a site. Think of how many times you've used the search function on sites it's probably clear just how crucial it is. That being said, there's nothing more frustrating than a poorly formulated search results page. Make sure your site not only gives visitors the correct results in a timely manner, but also displays them clearly with allowance for easy navigation.

Remember, if a visitor bothers to type in a subject, they are hungry for answers and serious about whatever it may be. This is your chance to capture that lead.

All pages of your site should play a part and add to what is ideally a finely tuned digital machine. By taking the above advice on board, your site will look better, operate smoother and help you make more money.

5:Comment Section Enable on Site

Commenting system on blogs is a great way to share the experience, interact and engage with your site visitors. Blogs traffic can be measured using comments that a blog is receiving. A blog without comment is not a blog, but sometimes you will need to enable or disable comments on Blogger pages and posts.

Blogger comment system is flexible, has more options as well as Blogger makes it easy to enable or disable comments on pages. There are two pages where you will need to enable or disable comments static index pages and blog post pages. Here are some reasons to hide or disable comments in Blogger.

Also read: Don’t get confused with pages and posts

Reason to disable comments on Blogger

  1. Static pages like about us, contact us, privacy policy and sitemap pages don’t need comments and so you need to disable comments.
  2. If any of your blog posts gets older then you can stop comments and just show existing comments.
  3. If you receive too many spam comments then you can disable comments.

6:Must have Mobile Responsive Website

Benefits of Mobile Responsive Design

The number one benefit of a responsive layout is the guarantee that any user on any device will have the best experience possible on your website. And, the most consistent.

Website responsiveness is also a great way to refine the content on your site, making sure that people using a mobile device are only seeing the most essential information.

With the Google algorithm update, a responsive web design increases visibility on search engines—because it is mobile-friendly. A site with an effective mobile experience will show up in search results above one without.

Why Responsive Design is Important for Business

  • Increase reach to customers and clients on smaller devices (tablets & smartphones)
  • A consistent experience that can increase lead generation, sales and conversions
  • Analytics, tracking, and reporting can all be in one place
  • Time and cost on-site content management is decreased
  • Stay ahead of the competition (even 44% of Fortune 500 companies are not mobile-ready at this time!)

Note, that there are two other methods by which to offer a mobile-friendly experience. The first is called Dynamic Serving, which uses the same URL but different HTML and CSS code. Pages recognize the device they are viewed on, and serve up the correct code.

The second method, is a separate mobile site altogether. When users visit on a mobile device, they are sent to a different mobile-specific URL.

As long as the correct steps are taken to optimize fully for mobile users, the most useful method really depends on any given situation. Figure out which works the best for your online presence, before diving into it.

Google accounts for over 5.7 billion searches conducted on the web daily.

The Google-recommended configuration for smartphone-optimized sites is responsive web design.

Google even offers a mobile responsive test, so that you can see how easily a visitor is able to use your page on a mobile device. You simply enter a page URL and receive a score.

 7: Structured Meta Data must be implemented

not change the formatting of your website, it just makes the metadata and text enclosed within the XHTML tags more meaningful to computers.

Programmable Search Engine recognizes the following formats:

  • PageMaps: invisible blocks of XML that add metadata to pages.
  • Microformats: tags used to mark up visible page content along predefined types.
  • RDFa: an alternate standard for marking up visible page content along arbitrary types.
  • Microdata: a new HTML5 standard for marking up visible page content.
  • <meta> tags: standard HTML tags, a subset of which are parsed by Google.
  • Page Date: features on a page indicating its date, which Google attempts to parse

You can use one or a combination of formats that you prefer. Note that unlike Programmable Search Engine, Google Search does not use PageMaps or <meta> tags when generating rich snippets. Google Search does consider information such as microformats, microdata, RDFa, and the page date when it is generating snippet, but it has its own algorithm and policies for determining what information gets shown to users. So while structured data you add to your pages can be presented on Programmable Search Engine, it might not be displayed in Google Search results.

The following includes an idealized snippet of plain HTML from a review site:

8 : Website Loading Speed and Performance

The website speed makes the first impression about your business. It’s essential to understand that you won’t get a second chance when it comes to user experience.  Low website speed is one of the most frustrating things that will turn people off about your resource.

High-performance websites results in high return visits, low bounce rates, higher conversions, engagement, higher ranks in organic search, and better user experience. Slow websites will cost you money and damaged reputation. By reducing the page load time you will positively impact marketing and sales processes. You’ll get higher traffic and attract more qualified leads that can be converted into customers. In this article, we will give you recommendations about how to improve your website performance and page load time.

Importance of website speed optimization

Page load time is a web performance metric that shows the time needed for a page to show on the user screen.

Let’s take a look at how the website speed optimization influences the key factors of website success:

  • conversion
  • visibility
  • usability

Conversion. Website conversion is an important factor in your business success, which means getting your visitors to do what you want them to do. For instance, they will buy your product, subscribe to newsletters campaigns, register for a webinar, or download a guide.

The faster the page loads, the higher conversion rates it’ll have. According to the Hubspot research, 1 second delay means 7 percent reduction in conversions. For instance, a page slowdown of 1 second could cost Amazon $1.6 billion in sales each year.

Visibility. The load time of your website also influences how easily users can find your website. Website speed is one of the factors that Google takes into consideration when ranking sites. A low performing website has a poor user experience and as a result gains less promotion in search results. Since December 2017, the Google search engine has started ranking also based on mobile versions of pages, even for desktop searches. The goal of this decision is to protect users from the websites that have low performance and aren’t responsive to all devices.

Usability. Website usability like website page speed, load time, and website responsiveness to user requests directly impacts customer loyalty. The better your website performs, the more satisfied a user will be. A great user experience is a way for building a large customer base and a strong brand.

Ways to assess your website speed

Before starting your website speed optimization you should determine your current loading time and define what slows your site down. Then you should set your website performance goals. The recommendation for page load time in 2018 is to be under 3 seconds. According to the Google research on the average mobile speed across industry sectors, just a fraction of websites is close to their recommended speed.

9:Do Not Write Plagiarized or Scap Content

Thin content means the content length is less than 600 words and having such posts on the website makes your site less quality and fewer chances of getting approved.

In other words, do not copy other content hence your site content plagiarized percentage should not be more than 20-30% in total.

But how to check the plagiarism of content?

The most simple solution is using our free Plagiarized Pro tool which checking your content against Google index pages and will give you an accurate score.

10: Link with Relevant External Sources

What are external links?

External Links are hyperlinks that point at (target) any domain other than the domain the link exists on (source). In layman's terms, if another website links to you, this is considered an external link to your site. Similarly, if you link out to another website, this is also considered an external link.

Code Sample
<a href="">Link Anchor Text</a>
Optimal Format

Use descriptive keywords in anchor text that reflect the same topic or keywords the target page is trying to target. It's not necessary to use the same keyword text every time—in fact, doing so can trigger spam detectors. Instead, strive for a variety of anchor text that enhances context and usability for your users—and for search engines, as well.

External Link Defined

An external link is a link that points at an external domain.

  • Top SEOs believe that external links are the most important source of ranking power.
  • External links pass link equity (ranking power) differently than internal links because the search engines consider them as third-party votes.
  • Top SEOs don't believe that the "title" link attribute is used for rankings purposes.

 11:Google Adsense Account Personal Profile

Add a new payments user

If you're an admin or owner of a business payments profile, follow these steps to add a user to a payments profile:

  1. Sign in to your AdSense account.
  2. Click Payments.
  3. Click Manage settings.
  4. Click Manage payments users.
  5. Click +Add a new user.
  6. Enter the user's information: 
    • Contact details: Enter their name, email address, and optionally their phone number.
    • Permissions: Decide what they can do by setting their permissions level
    • Email preferences: Select what payments emails they'll receive.  
    • Primary contact: Choose if you want them to be the primary contact for your profile. This is the person Google will contact with any payments-related questions.
  7. Click Invite. Your contact will show as "Pending" until they accept your invitation.

    Note that your invitation will expire after two weeks. To resend an invitation, choose the user you want to re-invite and click Resend invitation.


When you add someone to your payments profile, you can set their permission level depending on how you want them to use the payments information.

  • Admins can edit everything on the profile, manage users on the profile, and use the profile to sign up for other Google services.
  • Full-access users can edit anything on the profile and use the profile to sign up for other Google services.
  • Read-only users can view the profile but can't make edits.
  • Email-only users will receive email updates for payments or profile changes, but can't view the profile.

Email preferences

You can adjust the email settings for each person you add to your profile. 

  • All payments email: All payments email includes administrative email as well as receipts, invoices, monthly statements, and other transactional messages.
  • Administrative payments email only: Administrative email includes account management messages about tax forms, customer suspensions, Terms of Service updates, and account closure.

Remove a payments user

For business profiles, you can remove any other user if you have admin permissions. To remove a user, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your AdSense account.
  2. Click Payments.
  3. Click Manage settings.
  4. Click Manage payments users.
  5. Click the down arrow Down Arrow next to the user you want to remove.
  6. Click Remove.

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